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Inviting storage solutions for cooling, freezing and heating

Create increased sales and happy customers with optimum cooling, freezing and heating solutions to ensure attractively presented products.

Inviting storage solutions for cooling, freezing and heating

The good shop experience makes a difference

Most grocery stores are organised in the same way and sell many of the same products. The target is to create a shopping experience that makes your business the preferred shopping venue for customers.

The key to positive shopping experiences lies in attractive sales and presentation solutions that make the goods sell themselves.

Vibocold has a wide range of professional solutions for cooling, freezing and heating foods and drinks, from cooling and freezing to heated and chilled food counters and cabinets. We also offer attractive soft ice machines that can help increasing additional sales and grow revenue.


Small yet significant environmental initiatives

Small changes can have a huge impact on overall energy consumption in your business. Many Vibocold products have a high Energy Efficiency Index (EEI), and we are also happy to advise on how, by implementing simple measures, you can save energy – and thus resources and money.

Read more about our green profile here
Small yet significant environmental initiatives.
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